Taj Mahal, India 5/1.3/24

 Taj Mahal, India 

Our trip to Taj Mahal was from May 1st to May 3rd, and it was a pretty grueling 3 days. We just got back a couple of hours ago from what can only be described as a grueling 3 days. We left from Cochin, India by bus to the Cochin airport on May 1 in early afternoon. Before we boarded the bus, we had to go through India Immigration again (we had already done a face to face on the ship)) and get everything scanned again. Not ideal as there were 300 of us to get through the process - in groups of about 100. We had to stand outside in the heat - (100 degrees) and it was a very slow process. Only one scanner to get into the building. This was not a Royal issue; it was India's immigration process. Took at least 45 minutes to get through it. Once we got to the airport, we had to go through security, and it was a pretty intimidating security check. You had to empty out any electronics from your carry-ons/purses/backpacks, etc. There were separate lines for women and men, all women are wanded in a private room and if you happen to have water bottle in hand, they will ask you to drink from it in front of them. There was a gentleman who had packed a satellite phone and when they told him that he couldn’t carry it on the plane, he argued with them………and next thing we know, he’s being arrested! (I did hear that Royal stepped in and finally worked it out, but he didn't make the tour with us, he went with the 2nd group a few days later without his satellite phone!) If you ever want to travel through India, be prepared for lots of security and pack your patience along with cool clothing.

Our flight to Delhi was scheduled to leave by 1:30 pm but was delayed due to a bus breakdown with part of our group and the arrest that I just described. Good thing it was a charter plane specifically for our group. We finally left at about 4:30 pm for a 3.5-hour flight to Delhi. We got to the hotel around 9 pm, they had a dinner waiting for us, but frankly it was pretty late, and we just got a small bite. Into our rooms by 10 pm and had to be ready to load the bus at 4:30 am for breakfast and then a bus ride to the train station. I didn't appreciate the beauty of the hotel at check in, but in the morning, realized what an amazing hotel it was. Look at the pictures and video....

So on to the bus to the train station from Delhi, to Agra, India. Quick grab at the breakfast buffet and off to what was supposed to be a 2 ½ hour train ride……….buuuutttt, it ended up being an almost a 6.5-hour train ride☹ That is not a typo, things did not go well. The day started out great with a quick drive around Delhi, a drive by the Gate of India at sunrise and by the Presidential Palace and government buildings. Once we arrived at the train station, we were greeted by musicians, ladies with rose petals and coloring to put on our foreheads for dots and red carpet surrounded by flower leis and garland. It was amazing! The locals were looking at us like we were celebrities and honestly, we were being treated as such with all the grand gestures. Once on the chartered train, we noticed that RCCL had put Ultimate World Cruise head rest doilies on the back of the train's seats. The train itself was more than a little run down but it was much nicer than the non-chartered passenger trains we saw going by! They were packed to the gills with people and even had passengers standing at all the doors facing out.
You might think it turned into such a long train ride due to mechanical issues, but no. Because we were a chartered train, we had to give priority to ALL the other trains. That meant that we would go a couple of blocks and stop, wait for the train and then “rinse and repeat”. Sometimes we were stopped long enough for people to get out and take pictures. It was a grueling day, and we missed our scheduled tour of Agra Fort because we were so late. By the time we got to the hotel, we were all hot and sweaty and “hangry”. We checked in, ate a buffet lunch and then took off for the Taj Mahal.

The Taj Mahal was as beautiful and magnificent as the pictures that I’ve seen all my life, but there were some disappointments. The fountains were all empty (supposedly being cleaned) and the landscape was not groomed and planted like the pictures. It makes you wonder if they are struggling to keep Taj Mahal well maintained. It was so crowded (as was everywhere else you go in India, lots & lots of people) and one of our friends almost got pickpocketed there. We will see a lot of that in Europe too.
Our visit was timed to take in the sunset, and it was beautiful to see the light reflected on the buildings. Lots of pictures from that time. We only had 1.5 hours there so while we didn't get to see everything, we did appreciate the magnificence and intricacies of the Taj. We went on the museum tour to find it was walking around the burial memorials for the king (Sha Jahan) and his wife (Mumtaz Mahal) who died in childbirth. The king had the Taj Mahal built as a memorial and tribute to her. That is a great love story, but in doing so, he bankrupted many people who worked on it along with the country itself. It took 16 years to complete. His own son had to imprison him at another palace to keep him from completely bankrupting the country! The country is incredibly poor. Traveling on our slow-moving train really opened our eyes to the poverty in this nation, I purposely did not take pictures as it was so depressing. But the hovels all had satellite dishes, go figure!
After the tour of the Taj Mahal, we headed back to the hotel, dinner and an early bedtime since we had a very early morning again, 4 am, to catch the flight from Delhi to Goa, India, where we caught back up with the Serenade of the Seas. I can't help but wonder why Royal did not fly us directly to Accra for our tour, and then back to Goa. They were charter flights so it should have been possible. While the Taj was wonderful, it was for only for 1.5 hours and frankly I think Royal did a very poor job on this tour. While they weren't responsible for the train delays, I believe the tour provider (Abercrombie and Kent, btw) knew well in advance that this could be an issue. I was very disappointed overall; Mickey was not so much. We were group 1 - group 2 benefited from the mess we had and did not do the train ride - they were bussed to Accra. They had time in Delhi and Accra to relax and enjoy their surroundings - We did stay at wonderful hotels which was a plus.

On the way to the airport, these little ones were in the bus next to us- we had a lot of fun waving and me taking their pictures. And a few pics on way to airport

This was sunset from the plane on our way to Delhi. It was magnificent...

As we boarded the bus in Delhi, we were given beautiful leis as a welcome to their city.  So, while the day started rough with the airport delays, it was a nice start for the rest of our travel that day.  The hotel was incredible.... we stayed at the ITC Maurya.  They did have a buffet for us, but I did not eat much as it was so late- Mickey said the curry was wonderful.  Just a shame that so many of us did not partake as it was so late and hard to appreciate it.  

This is The Great Procession Mural, and was create from 1980 to 1983 for the hotel.  Would I love to have my ceiling done up like this!  Check out the video.

These are some of the stained-glass windows in the lobby where the mural resides.

This was our welcome to the train station.  Locals were all watching, taking pictures of us, and videotaping our walk to the train...It was pretty fun, and the flower garlands, elephant were so pretty.  I hope someone go to take them home and enjoy them...

After we got through the arched entryway, we had flowers strewn in our path, and I got a dot on my forehead from these lovely ladies.  It felt like yesterday's trouble and delays were behind us....

Finally, at the train station, and heading to our hotel for lunch, and to the Taj Mahal for a 4:00 tour start.  The family of 4 were taking our pictures.  So I took theirs.

This was our hotel in Agra....

Our welcoming committee to the hotel and our lunch. More flowers strewn into our path...lol

And this is what we missed thanks to our extended train ride.  The Red Fort at Agra, pictures courtesy of some of group 2 who made it there (and the internet).   It was the main residence of the emperors of the Mughal dynasty and is designated as a UNESCO world heritage site.  It is only about 2 miles from the Taj Mahal. 


Lapis and other jewels are incorporated into the building walls and statuary.

And a demonstration of how the tiles are made.  Lapis is used widely and one of my favorite stones....

And at long last, we made it to the Taj Mahal.  As I said earlier, we only had a little over 1.5 hours here, so we made the most of it.  It is breathtaking as you enter the gate and see it in all of its magnificence.  There are three entry gates - South, East, and West.

The palace contains 120 rooms, a hall of mirrors, and the savon bhadon pavilion, an elaborate fountain-like structure that simulated the effect of rain.

This is your first view of the Taj Mahal as you enter through the gate.  Takes your breath away.                                                                           

The two structures that flank the main building are identical, one a guest house and one a mosque.  One thing Royal did right on this tour was to book us at sunset.  Just spectacular.

And the many faces of India.  Photos courtesy of Charles Nemes.

And we say goodbye at Sunset. 

Tomorrow, up at 4 am for a 4-hour bus ride to Delhi, and then on to Goa to pick up Serenade of the Seas.  Sailing into Mumbai the next day.


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