Los Angeles CA 2/11/24

 Los Angeles, CA

The first segment of this world journey Around the Horn, ended today., and we are not tired of being on our ship yet.... Upon reflection it has been an incredible experience, hard to pick a favorite stop, but I am going with Antarctica first, Iguazu Falls and then the almost Machu Picchu experience...Rio and the fireworks were amazing as were all of the other ports we got to visit.  While the blog takes a lot of time, it is nice to revisit memories of this once in a lifetime journey.  After a great first segment, we landed back in the US.  Needed to go through customs - regardless of whether you wanted to get off ship or not - we originally were to meet Donna and Joe Pagano for lunch, as we had not seen them in quite a while, but schedules did not work out, so we missed them.  We will have to plan a get together in the future.  We took advantage of our short port time to stock up on some supplies and did a run to Costco, Best Buy, Walmart and Marshalls....so now we are ready for our next 5 days at sea before we land in Hilo, Kona and Honolulu Hawaii, where we will get to see some of our BOC buds.... going to be great to see the Safford's and the Murdaugh's.

Our ship was due to leave port at 4:00 - Super Bowl was at 3:30 pm, so we headed up to the pool deck to watch on the big screen.... what a great game San Francisco and Kansas City gave us.... nail biter to the end...and of course, Chief's won!!!!  We were rooting for them but either team could have been the final winner.... Off to the Pacific Ocean float and our 2nd segment - Asia Pacific Cruise!!!

Norwegian Bliss backing into berth...

LA Port

USS Iowa berthed right beside our ship
Serenade at port and the 2nd segment highlighted...

Hail to the Chiefs....


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